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This is where Integra really comes into its own


This is where Integra really comes into its own for participants, volunteers, organisers and support people each can access their Integra account through the App with live data and an individual schedule and lots of other features.



                                                                               For participants, venues and organisers


                                                                                                     Live personalised schedule


                                                                                                     Communicate through the App


                                                                                                     Who, what, where, when and how

The Mobile app


​For events, festivals, conferences, symposiums, meetings or seminars, where you have a range of activities and events in various venues and spaces, the Integra Schedule  App is the easiest way to deliver up to the minute information, advice and customised messages and advertising about you, your event and your sponsors.


The mobile device saves the most recent version of the information and will update as soon a connection to the internet is active.

The Mobile App can be used to keep notes, make comments of offer feedback.

“Hybrid” mobile app for iOS and Android users for free download from Apple App Store and Google Play Store.​


Designed to work well on both tablets and phones

Web app available for users with incompatible phones (Windows or Blackberry), or a very old Android.


Event schedule 

​The app keeps all event stakeholders in touch so everyone knows what to do, where to go and when, with lots of additional information.

Users can browse the schedule by colour coded : day, event category, location and performer / workshop leader /participant.

Users can navigate between items, for example: from event to the location it is in, from song to any of the performers involved, from a participant to the event.

The app displays all events marked as “published” to all users.  This includes for example events, concerts, workshops and games, but not rehearsals and assembly/rendezvous points.  Logged-in users can see this additional event information.  


Detailed information about performers / participants

There is a page for each performer / participating person or group / team (or workshop leader or facilitator) showing details such as the events you are in, festival / event video postcard; City/State/Country; Biography; Web site (opens in browser)  and Social media links.

Detailed information about locations, with a page for each location showing details such as: address (opens in maps app); map reference; directions; web site (opens in browser); phone number with click to call; events happening in that venue


Integration with phone features

The schedule app integrates with other phone features and apps as follows.

Users have the option to add events to their phone calendar

Clicking on a web link will open in the user’s default browser

Clicking on a phone number will phone the number

Clicking on an address will open the address in the user’s default maps app.

Clicking on social media links will open in the native apps 


Login and personalisation

Registered users can log into the app (using the same login details for the main Integra system). 

Once logged in, the app leaves you logged in until you log out. 

When users log in, they have access to extra functionality: they can see all events they (or their choruses, team, group) are participating in, whether marked “published” or not.  For example they can see their own rehearsals, training etc..

Organisations that you are a member of and events you are involved with are flagged with a “person” icon, and automatically appear in their favourites list.


Favourites and notes

Logged-in users can mark events, performers and songs, and events as “favourites”. 

They can access their favourites from the menu, and so build up their own schedule.

Logged-in users can make and edit notes about events, performers and songs, these are visible on the mobile device and are automatically​ synchronised to the main system where​ you can view their own notes on a larger screen, print them out, email them on and so on.

Organisers, teams or groups can broadcast messages / push notifications

The event organisers can send out last-minute, urgent messages to all app users.

As long as the user allows push notifications from the app, these will be displayed almost immediately as notifications, whether or not the user is currently using the app.

Logged-in users can receive targeted notifications



The event organisers can configure sponsor or advertiser banners, to be shown on the app.

If users click on the banners, they can link to the sponsor’s web site.

Adverts can be displayed in one or both of the following “zones”.

The app home page can show one or more banners at once, or show one from a list at random. 

Standard mobile banner size 320 pixels wide by 100 pixels high, or 320 x 50.

The main list pages (days, categories, locations, performers and favourites) can display one banner at the bottom. 

If multiple ads are configured, one will be shown at random each time. 

Standard mobile banner size 320 pixels wide by 50 pixels high.


Support and feedback

There is a “support” page with a free text feedback form, allowing users to submit bug reports or feedback to Integra support from the app.

Customised questionnaires for event feedback

The mobile app supports a subset of the questionnaire functionality of the main system, designed to allow users to fill in a feedback form for workshops (and other events if required).

Feedback can be completed while offline, but users do need to sync at some point while online to upload their feedback.

Analytics - The app logs usage statistics to Google Analytics, so we can produce reports on how many users are using the app,

what mobile devices they’re using, what pages they’re viewing, and so on. This helps us improve the app for future events.


User preference

Users can personalise app behaviour with a few settings: display, sort people by first or last name, notifications, enable or disable notifications, add to calendar,  enable or disable the feature and if enabled, choose whether to add immediately, or go to “edit” screen


Social media links

Participants / Performers can configure their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts as well as their web site URL. 

This is done via the Integra web site, not the schedule app.

Website links can also be configured for events and locations.

When viewing the detail of a performer/participants, the app will display links to the above, using relevant icons.




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