Integra key features
Integra productivity functions enables task managment, meeting planning, file storage and team supervision.
Building you database of contacts, bookmarks, clients and suppliers.
Curating your event, planning with venues, organising spaces to share on your website, with potential participants, visitors, suppliers and venue staff.
Registering participant groups and people, selling event tickets, food, accommodation, merchandise and other items
Customised questionnaires so you ask participants all the questions to answer all your questions.

With Integra you can link people to events and venues.
Organisers can view which group members have registered, add details of events, programme information, group details, speaker, facilitator and performers biog, website and social media links, as well as add copyright, session detailed information and other documents as required.
Information and data is live and can be viewed, edited and updated and one edit is replicated across the whole system. The system can handle a vast quantity of data and handles all your event information to save you a huge amount of manual administration. For example, for a small 2-day choir festival with 8 formal concerts, 35 performing choirs, 1,000 delegates, 200 songs, incl technical requirements, 20 backing tracks, 62 choirs and/or people participating in events, 120 “events” tracked, over 400 updates, 6,500 logins, 600 password resets, 3,600 emails, 1,000 financial transaction, 15,000 updates tracked to data records, 700 mobile app installations, 88,000 mobile app screen views!
Each Integra system user create an account with their own personal email address.
Users can create groups and organisations, link to people, groups or organisation and administrators can view and set the system access appropriate for each user.
All stakeholders: event organisers, performers / exhibitors, delegates / participants, volunteers / staff, production team / venue staff, finance department / managers / team leaders, enter, view and edit their own data.
Each user can navigate from their dashboard to view each module and function of the system that they are authorised to view or edit.
The event organiser has an over view of all the system activites. View and download reports to monitor progress, identify overdue tasks and milestones.

Integra helps throughout your events cycle. You share your challenges and we deliver a solution to suit you. you can organise and upload files and documents link them to events, contacts or activities. Manage your teams online, allocate tasks, monitor progress, organise and motivate actions. Download reports and view key statistics about your event from your dashboard.
You stay in control with Integra and you online and real time help and advice.
Competitive pricing, flexible payment plans and transparent terms, with a maximum 3-month commitment.
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